July 14, 2016
French investors plan to develop projects in energy and agricultural areas in KubanJuly 11, 2016
Kurganinsk District proposes an investment site to implement a promising project in agricultureJuly 4, 2016
Kurganinsk District of the Krasnodar Region provides a Mega-project in the agriculture fieldJuly 1, 2016
The advisory council on investments under the head of administration (governor) of Krasnodar region resumed work in Krasnodar regionJune 27, 2016
Kurganinsk District provides an investment-attractive land plot to implement a profitable agricultural projectJune 23, 2016
The french investors investigate the options of establishing a synergetic production in light industry in KubanJune 20, 2016
Kurganinsk district provides an investment attractive land plot for the implementation of a profitable project in the consumer sectorJune 17, 2016
Krasnodar region retained the seventh place within the National rating of the investment climate status of RF constituent entitiesJune 17, 2016
The delegation of Krasnodar region held more than 20 business meetings within XX Saint-Petersburg international economic forumJune 13, 2016
Kurganinsk district offers an investment attractive land plot for the accommodation of an auto campingJune 1, 2016
Kurganinsk district of Krasnodar region presents a large project in the consumer sectorMay 23, 2016
Kurganinsk district provides an investment attractive land plot to implement a project in the consumer sector